Flowers From Judith Owner Krista Smiling for About Me age

Hi. My name is Krista.

I am the deliverer of sunshine and happiness for Flowers from Judith.  My little yellow truck full of sunflowers is the first ever sunflower truck created and is based in South Florida. 

Flowers from Judith is named after, and dedicated to my mom. She was the beacon of sunshine and light. To see a person smile when they see my sunflowers, to see them hold them and their faces light up, I really can't ask for anything more in this life. I am looking forward to meeting each and everyone one of you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. We hope Flowers From Judith brings you so much joy and we can't wait to see you out on the road real soon. 

You can find "Judith's" whereabouts by clicking HERE or on Instagram or Facebook.

And in the meantime, live in the sunshine and do all things with love.

Peace, Love and Sunshine,
